Receiving Station MA3065SWL using SDR: R820T & SLX1P, Antenna: 144/145MHz HB9CV Yagi beam: Tuned 143.049MHz
Software to monitor frequency is DL4YHF's Amateur Radio Software: Audio Spectrum Analyzer ("Spectrum Lab")
Listening to signal reflection scatter from G-r-a-v-e-s Space Radar 143.049MHz

Friday, 22 February 2013

23rd Feb 2013 Biggest detections

Latest massive huge detection.

22nd Feb biggest detection

Meteors detected with RTL SDR R820T connected to a SLX1P Signal booster and that connected to HB9CV 144mhz Antenna and monitoring radio frequency 143.049 mhz using Software DL4YHF's Amateur Radio Software: Audio Spectrum Analyzer Spectrum Lab.

New meteor blogger set up

I have created this meteor blogger where i will add some of my biggest detections I have radio tuned to 143.049 mhz G-r-a-v-e-s Dijon France Space Surveillance. I live Middlesbrough Northeast uk and i pick up the echo radar pings.